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    Black Women v. America

    Writer's picture: Taylesse DeansTaylesse Deans

    In America, black women have been racially, economically, and socially suffocated at the

    hands of others. For decades, black women have suffered in a way that other ethnicities have the

    privilege not to experience. Did you know that white women get paid 21% more than black

    women even if they have that same experience on their resume? This is the America that I live

    in, a country where they say “With Liberty and Justice for all”, but the color of your skin dictates

    if you should be treated with respect and your value in the workplace. It is true what they say, the

    black woman truly is the most disrespected woman in America.

    Black Women VS Corporate America

    80% of black women are the sole breadwinner for their families. This makes the

    fact that black women lose close to $800,000 in their careers that much more damaging.

    This money was not lost due to black women lacking anything on their resume or being

    in violation of any laws. This loss is due to the color of their skin and that color

    determines their pay and the ability to provide for their family. Black women are not

    ignorant of the fact that this pay gap exists. Research has been presented showing that

    because of this pay gap black women are less likely to trust their female counterparts,

    which then results in creating a toxic work relationship and environment. On average,

    black women made between $12-$13 per hour in the year 2022 while white women made

    $17-$18 per hour. This is a $5 per hour difference for completing the same amount of

    work but because one woman’s skin color is not what America deems as “appropriate”

    this $5 a-hour pay gap is a reality. A pay gap in the workforce is not foreign, especially

    between a man and a woman, but did you know that white women have been able to

    nearly narrow the pay gap by 60% while black women have only done 9%? The reality is

    that America the Beautiful has requirements to obtain the “Dream” it advises.

    Black Women VS The Black Community

    So often we see the black community standing up for equality, fighting on the

    front lines against police brutality but when it is time to fight for the black women in the

    workplace that energy we once had is nowhere to be found. When a black woman is

    working in a company of primarily caucasian men and women, you would think that the

    black community would stick together and help each other reach the next level. Still,

    sadly this is not always the reality. More often than not you will find black women

    fighting against each other for a spot in leadership than working together. You may also

    see that there is a black woman in leadership and you would think she would lend a hand

    to bring her fellow sister with her but again this is not always the reality. But, if you look

    at the course of history this behavior is not foreign. Black women have had to fight for

    every ounce of respect, freedom, and leadership role they possess, and for centuries black

    women have been pent up against each other to gain privileges that other ethnicities are

    handed on a silver platter. Even though our bodies are in the year 2024 our minds are still

    healing from the years of discrimination and torture dating back to the 1700’s.

    Black Women VS The Past Present and Future

    Since the moment African American women stepped foot on this land, they have been

    overlooked and mistreated. Black women put their lives in danger, but would America do the

    same? Have you ever heard of a 4x100-yard dash? This race is where you have 4 four runners all

    running one after the other each completing a 100-yard dash equalling 400 yards in total. Most

    teams call their first-leg runner “the best starter.” This person is in charge of starting the race off

    strong. Since they are on a small curve they have to be strategic and be a leader for their team.

    The second leg however is the fast runner on the team. They have a straight 100-yard dash and

    they have to place their team in front of their opponents before passing the baton for the second

    curve. The 3rd leg has to be a fighter. Not only do you have to maintain your first place position

    but you have to control your breathing so you do not burn out on the curve. This person usually

    had to fight the most in the race. The last leg is called your “attacker.” They see the finish line

    and they know their assignment and they attack it. The fourth-legs job can either be very easy or

    very hard it all depends on how the other runners performed. The fight for black women’s

    equality reminds me a lot of a 4x100-yard dash. Women like Sallie Wyatt Stewert, Pauli Murray, Septima Poinsette Clark, and Mahala Ashely Dickerson are the first leg, they started the fight. They were amazing leaders who made sure the term justice for all, was no longer not based on

    color, religion, or gender.

    Women like Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisholm, and Angla Davis then took the baton and ran with it. These actions placed black women in a position of respect that the world had never seen. Here comes the third leg: these women had to fight the curve of fighting for justice through the chaos of the pandemic and the black lives matter movement.

    Cori Bush and Tamika Mallory took the baton and wisdom from our past leaders and fought with

    elegance, class, and grace. Now we are in a time where the last leg is being raised up to attack

    the finish line. These young women in this new generation are going to reach new heights that

    have never been reached and finish this fight once and for all.

    Black women, you are worth more than what society tells you. You are beautiful,

    important, valued, and brave. You had to fight a fight that no other ethnicity in the world had to

    experience, and this fight wasn’t optional but something you were born into. You’re a warrior,

    but black women remember we are stronger together than apart. We need each other for support,

    love, and mentorship. Do not believe the lies that others tell you, isolation will not heal the pain

    you endured. We can’t move forward into a positive future until we heal from the pain of the

    past. Place your crown on your head my beautiful black queen and realize the value you hold.

    Stand firm in morals and the standards that we hold so dear. Lift up your fellow sisters and lend a

    hand where it is needed. Do not fight your fellow sister but love, guide, and encourage her, and

    our future will look mighty bright.

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